Hottest Technology Used for Various Applications Development - Python

Hottest Technology Used for Various Applications Development - Python

Python is one of the Hot skill in the Technology world. Python is the excellent tool for any Application development. It is User friendly and open-source language. It is really interesting technology for the tech developers. It is widely used and the skill is very demanding and many companies are looking for this skill set.

Python is a multi-purpose programming language that’s been around since the mid-90s. These days, Python is used by some of the biggest tech companies on the planet, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, and Dropbox. Bigger organizations often choose Python because of its multiple Programming applications, including object-oriented functional programming.

Python can be used to develop prototypes, and quickly because it is so easy to work with and read. Most automation, data mining, and big data platforms rely on Python. This is because it is the ideal language to work with for general purpose tasks.

Python is easy to learn, Large global community available for help and support, it is very demanding skill for Job seekers.

The Python programming language has a global community with millions of software developers who interact online and offline in thousands of virtual and physical locations. Who drives the Python community? There are tens of thousands of Python developers who help steer the community with local, regional and global events.

Architecture of PyPI

As indicated earlier, PyPI is a central index of Python projects where people can browse existing projects by category or register their own work. Source or binary distributions can be uploaded and added to an existing project, and then downloaded for installation or study. PyPI also offers web services that can be used by tools.

The Top hot skills in the year 2021. There are more demand for scripting languages and Rule the market some more years. 

Python is one of the hot skills in the Job Market and it is open source, Plenty of developers using python developer community for support and help. Python is becoming one of the hot skill because using it wide variety of applications can be developed and the applications are as follows.

  1. Web development
  2. Gaming development
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  4. Data Science and data Visualization
  5. Desktop GUI
  6. Web Scraping Applications
  7. Business Applications
  8. Audio and video applications
  9. CAD Applications
  10. Embedded Applications
  11. Software development

The different types of frameworks used for Python, the Popular frameworks are Django and Pyramid. There are around 30 frameworks used for different type of applications and as follows.

  1. Django - It is high level framework used for web development. Django supports the databases like PostGre SQL, Oracle, MySQL and SQLite.
  2. CherryPy- Any web application developed using CherryPy can be run on all Python-supported OSes, including Linux/Unix, Windows and Mac.
  3. Bottle-It is a lightweight framework, which is very easy to use and enables building simplistic apps for personal use. It is ideal for figuring out the organization of web frameworks and prototyping and perfect for building RESTful services.
  4. CubicWeb- It is an open-source Python framework that uses components called ‘cubes’ to build web applications instead of the regular views and models.
  5. Dash - It is yet another open-source micro framework that’s exclusively designed for developing analytical web application.
  6. Flask-This micro framework comes with a built-in development server and debugger. However, it does not contain any built-in database interaction. To compensate, the Flask-SQLAlchemy package connects web applications built on Flask to an SQL database using only the database URL.
  7. An API developed using Hug can be used anywhere. This makes the micro framework a choice among Python Developers. It simplifies API development via multiple interfaces and has been dubbed as the fastest web framework for Python 3.
  8. Giotto-Giotto is exclusive for web applications built in functional styles. This full-stack framework is an inspo based on the concept of Model, View and Controllers so web developers, designers and system admins can independently work on it.
  9. Pyramid-This one is a mega framework that has the ability to decide on behalf of the user. However, the latter has to befit the framework’s viewpoint so it doesn’t end up in a cash of opinions. As the web application grows, Pyramid stops making decisions. To that end, it always aims at achieving the fullest with minimal complexity.
  10. Sanic- It allows user contributions. It has been proven that Sanic can handle 33,342 requests in one second with one process and 100 connections. The framework has been built on top of uvloop and is absolutely simple to use.
  11. Tornado- It is an open-source web framework, a non-blocking web server as well as an asynchronous networking library. It is built to be scalable and to specifically handle asynchronous processes.
  12. TurboGears - It is open-source and data-driven. This full-stack web application framework has been built exclusively from the best breed elements available, which makes it absolutely royal. It allows developers to come up with data-driven web apps that are critical and detailed. With JavaScript development tools, developers can further raise the standard of their work.
  13. Web2Py- Web2Py is yet another open-source full-stack framework Python enthusiasts love. It is scalable and has a personal IDE modeled on the web that comprises a one-click deployment tool, code editor and debugger, which enables building and debugging the code alongside testing web apps.
  14. Grok has been designed based on the Zope Toolkit. It enables agile development for developers by choosing protocol over configuration and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). It is open-source and exclusively built to speed up web app development.
  15. Growler-This Python framework has been inspired by Nose.js and Express/Connect. Growler has been written on top of the asyncio library of the programming language. The ability to implement complex web applications quickly and easily makes it a framework of choice among developers.
  16. BlueBream- It is an open-source Python framework licensed under Zope Public License. It is ideal for medium as well as full-scale web app development, and incorporates components that are reusable and interchangeable.
  17. Falcon-Falcon has been specifically aimed at the rapid building of web APIs. It is one of the most widely used Python frameworks that doesn’t require loading of dependencies in large quantities to create HTTP APIs.
  18. AIOHTTP-This Python framework is asynchronous and relies on Python 3.5+ features, including async/awaits. AIOHTTP leverages Python’s asyncio library, which puts it in this category of frameworks.
  19. MorePath - MorePath has been labeled as the “Super Powered Python web framework” and rightfully so! It ensures minimal setup efforts and has been exclusively designed for making generic use cases work as soon as possible. This includes the typical Python data structures that enter RESTful web services.
  20. Pycnic- Another Python micro framework, Pycnic is absolutely object-oriented. It is believed to be the fasted framework for developers who want to build JSON-based APIs.
  21. Pylons- It is open-source and concentrates on rapid web app development. This framework has been built to include top elements and properties of programming languages such as Python, Perl, and Ruby. It is available in maintenance mode.
  22. Quixote- This one is an open-source micro framework known for its flexibility and high-performance. It enables writing web-based applications using Python with complete efficacy.
  23. Zope-Zope stands for Z Object Publishing Environment. It is the first ever attempt at an object publishing methodology meant for websites. As a full-stack framework for Python, Zope is totally object-oriented.
  24. Nevow- Nevow is a web app framework kit written in Python and associated with Formless. It has been exclusively written to work on logic rather than elements, which can be avoided.
  25. Bobo – the Python micro framework is lightweight and enables WSGI support. It has been built to deliver ease-of-use and flexibility and to make web app development a fun job. It allows mapping of URLs to objects and calls objects to generate HTTP responses.
  26. Muffin- This one is a relatively new Python framework. It was invented in 2015 when AIOHTTP was still fresh and small. Built atop the asyncio module in the Python 3.4+ standard library, Muffin was the result of an amalgamation of tools like admin interfaces, plugins system, REST API.
  27.’t confuse this one with Web2Py. The framework for Python is as simple as it is powerful. It is standalone, fast and simple. Each part of the framework is discreet and thus, makes an ideal way of developing web applications.
  28. Ray- Ray is very similar to Falcon and is useful in building RESTful APIs. A fast and simple Python framework, this one is best for building and running distributed applications.
  29. Vibora- Vibora is one of the most sophisticated Python frameworks ever. A Python 3.6+ HTTP client framework, this one has been designed for efficiency
  30. WebCore-nThis one is a nano framework for Python. It’s only a fraction of the size of its contemporaries! It’s so small, it would be a disservice to call it a micro framework.

Conclusion- Python is the widely used skill, any job seeker get it trained in Python to get a good salaried job.


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