How to do Effective Management in any Organization


This paper introduces the organizational challenges and how to manage them effectively in any organization. In any organization at any point of time will face operational issues and Managerial Issues. These issues may occur in any type of organization like Product or Service oriented organization, But the Management of issues and resolutions and sometimes mitigation plans will be in place if there are planned issues or risks. As overall at the end of it we must manage the manpower and manage the business effectively without interrupting business or day to day operations.


In any organization there are business plans for future expansion and day by day when the business expansion takes place, the business complexity will increase and there by managing the business become challenge to any organization. . In any organization to reduce the business complexity and for effective management of business is essential, so as the business complexity increasing, we need to have tools to automate the business to reduce the business complexity and easy of business operations.

There are many Software’s are used for automation of the Organization as per the requirement, suitability, and the budget. Currently SAP is used for Multinational Companies or Big organizations. Small and Midsize companies use Microsoft dynamics and Salesforce to automate their business. All the above software is good and will be selected based on your need and suitable for your organization.

Challenges we face in any Organization

Nowadays because of the Globalization, Due to Business expansion will face many challenges and for every organization requires identifying the challenges and solutions are required for effective management.

1. One of the Challenge in Mergers and acquisitions. When they go for Mergers and Acquisitions to expand their business globally, we require Software tools to consolidate the business. For example, Digital, Compaq, EDS and HP Mergers, when we merge or acquire the companies, there should be a business transformation from one organization to another organization, It is impossible to do business transformation manually, at the end of day we need adopt software or software tools to migrate the business from one organization to another organization or consolidate the business into one organization, 

2. The Second challenge is Managing the daily operations effectively whether Product or Service industry. Yes, here also because of the business complexity and the business expansion to multiple countries, We need to have Software or Software tools to manage the Business Operations. 

3. Third challenge is decision Making, Decision Making will make important role in any organization. Any wrong decision will lead to financial impact or Operational Impact, or overall business impact will be there.

4. The fourth challenge is in any organization is Organization Structure, if any organization Structure is not proper and there is no proper reporting structure it leads to mismanagement. This is also essential to any organization. 

The above Major Challenges will face CEOs Or management in any organization. The Question is how to overcome the above challenges and how to manage the organization effectively and It is essential in any organization whether it is big or Small organization. 

What Kind of Organization Structure is required for the Effective Management: -

The Organization Structure should be defined by Top to Bottom Approach Because the organization heads should manage the business and it should be under their control. Well then how the organization structure should be, it should be one time or long-time organization structure and should be capable of expanding their business without impacting existing business organization Structure. As everybody understands, the organizational changes should not be frequent, and it should be a long time. Also, when we do the Organization Changes, we need to follow organization change management Process so that it will not impact the existing business.

The Organization Structure in Any Organization: The Organization Structure from top to bottom approach and it should be reverse cone structure.  

In the Organization Management, there should be Top Management, Middle Management and Line Managers to manage the organization effectively based on the size of the organization. In any organization Management Reporting will play a important role in Business Management and it will support making good decisions for the benefit of any organization.

The organization structure will be defined based on the type of organization and as per the business needs with the available infrastructure. 

Reporting – Will Play a vital Role in the organization Management, decision Making and useful for better Planning for the business. The Reports should be for the Management, Managers and Users for managing the daily Operations. In the Organizations there are operational departments, corporate departments. Across the organization the Reports will play a important role in each department.

Conclusion – Generally for effective management, Reducing the business complexity or reducing the complexity in Managing the operations for all the organizations adopt software’s. The Software we use to automate the business is SAP which is more popular software across the Globe.  

There are many Software’s like SAP, other software’s are Microsoft dynamics, Peoplesoft, Salesforce etc. 

We Provide SAP Consulting, Development, Implementation and Support for any organization from the beginning to end of the implementation Including Infrastructure Procurement. 

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